Saturday, March 14, 2009

Preschooler Update: Difficulty Levels

Version 1.5 of Preschooler is now available on the Android Market.

New in this version:
  • Five Difficulty Levels: You can now increase the difficulty level as your child's letter recognition and hand-eye coordination improve. Show 2, 4, 9, 16, or 25 letters on screen all at once.
  • Stronger Button Lock: If your child is able to double-click the buttons and get by the basic button lock, you can now disable them entirely and require the 1, 0, and Space keys on the keyboard to be pressed simultaneously in order to exit the game.
  • Repeated Prompts: Turn on this option and the game will keep saying the right answer until it is chosen.
  • Bug Fixes: Voice should no longer stop working after backing out of Settings, the "Home" button lock should now work more reliably.

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